Analysis Service

We DO NOT publish publicly the results of the tests we perform in our analytical service. The results are ONLY given to the client paying for the service. Public results posted in are from a separate unrelated program. More info in our FAQ.

At Kykeon we offer fully anonymous analytical services to test different samples for their identity, purity and presence of adulterants. We can test pills, crystals, powders, pastes, dry plant material, fungi and extracts. We do NOT test live specimens, bio-hazardous or radioactive samples. We receive samples by mail. If you don't know what type of analysis is right for you or would like to order a custom analysis please contact [email protected] and we will assist you. We carry out the analyses using FTIR, LC-MS/MS and/or qNMR, depending on the option you select.


Full Qualitative Analysis

Full Qualitative Analysis

Price: 70

This service identifies both primary components and minor impurities within the sample. While it determines the substances present and the results can state whether a substance or impurity is present in major or minor amounts, it does not precisely quantify their proportions.


Full Quantitative + Qualitative Analysis

Full Quantitative + Qualitative Analysis

Price: 90

Primary components within the sample are identified and quantified. While compounds in minor amounts will be identified, their precise quantities will not be determined.


Full Quantitative Plant Analysis

Full Quantitative Plant Analysis

Price: 110

Analysis of plants and mushrooms. We will identify and quantify the main active components in the plant or mushroom. We will also identify minor compounds present in even trace amounts. This option should be chosen if you want to send us root, bark, leaf or mushrooms, which will need to be extracted in the lab before testing. If you are planning to test an extract you already made instead of the plant material itself, you can choose the cheaper full quantitative service.


Enantiomer Analysis

Enantiomer Analysis

Price: 150

Differentiation S and R isomer, for arylcyclohexylamines only for the moment. The Service includes the full quantitative+qualitative analysis too.


Simple Qualitative Analysis

Simple Qualitative Analysis

Price: 20

Primary component within the sample is identified. This method will not detect compounds in very small amounts (trace impurities and potent adulterants in microgram amounts). Nevertheless this method does work for substances in blotters.


Simple Quantitative Analysis

Simple Quantitative Analysis

Price: 50

Using NIR technology we provide you a report with the % purity of the main compound in your sample but we cannot identify nor detect minor compounds or adulterants in the sample (please use the full quantitative or full qualitative service for that purpose). This particular simple quantitative service is offered only for a few selected fungi, plants, pills and powdered/crystal substances. Please check the current list here.


Heavy Metal & Pathogen Analysis

Heavy Metal & Pathogen Analysis

25€ per test + 25€ base fee

This service offers testing for heavy metals, pathogens, and toxins. Choose from tests like Lead, Cadmium, or Mercury at 25€ each, or pathogen tests for Aerobes and Staphylococcus. Toxin analysis, including mycotoxins and aflatoxins, is available for 200€. A one-time 25€ base fee applies. Press Select Items and choose what you want to test for each sample!


Number of samples to test